simi919.jpgMost of us now a days have extremely fast paced lives, always rushing to get to the next task. Half the time, the things we are running around for isn’t for us or about ourselves, it’s for other people. There comes a point in your life where you have to realize that, you are THE most important thing to yourself and you should start acting like it. Stop putting your dreams aside because “you dont have time”. You have to learn to be selfish for the right reasons. There are many reasons why you let yourself go; family issues, relationship issues, mommy issues, or career issues. Although, those are clearly justifiable, its not okay to live months or years living without working towards your aspirations. Solve whatever problem is putting you down and get back up twice as hard for yourself and your future. Throwing yourself a pitty party will only put you in a bigger funk and it’ll be way harder to get out of it. I know sometimes it takes really bad things to happen to people for them to really prosper and get the determination to make a better life for theirselves. Every single problem you’re enduring, is meant to happen to you. Everything, no matter how small it seems, is shaping you into who are you are supposed to be. Reach the highest potential you have within yourself, and dont live with the regrets of knowing you could’ve done so much more for your life.

networking.jpgIt’s okay to leave certain people behind. I call those the “anchors”; the people that drag you down and dont let you prosper in your own life. Let those anchors solve their own lives and don’t feel guilty or bad for being selfish when it comes to your dreams. We dont need to keep every single person you were once very close to. People change, lives change, and people simply move on. The people who are unhappy with their lives will get upset and “butt hurt” about you leaving them behind. But the people who are content and busy with their own lives will be totally okay and happy for your new journeys without them.  The people who are on your team will be the ones to encourage you, help you, network with you, and inspire you. Always use your instinct and gut feelings about every situation. Don’t let the opinion of other people sway you or change your mind. Always make the decisions YOU want to, even if it turns out being the wrong decisison.




BEAUTY: My GO TO skin products!

One thing I love to keep clean and smooth is my face! I love having a smooth face to apply make up on and I just think it really does make blending and applying so much easier. I wash my face every night, it’s about more than taking up the make up. I don’t do major deep cleanings often, usually once a week. It’s not good to constantly strip your skin from oils that are necessary! Remeber to always moisturize! At the far bottom I added my youtube video for a demonstration of what I do!


  1. OLAY FRESH EFFECTS SHINE SHINE GO AWAY: I love this cleanser. It leaves my skin super clean and it doesnt have a strong chemicals that can irritate your skin. I usually use this in the shower.


2. MaryKay Timewise even complexion mask: I apply this after I have washed my face. I leave it on for about 10-15 minutes, then wash it off wit warm water.


3. Epielle deep cleansing charcoal nose strips: I love these! They are a cheaper alternativre to the Biore strips and work just as well! They just have a funky smell. I leave it on for 15-20 min!



4. Extra Virgin Organic coconut oil (ANY BRAND): Once I am nice and smooth, I have to moisturize! I apply this all over my face and neck.



5. Palmers Cocoa Butter Formula Skin Therapy Oil On The Go Roller Ball: Lastly, I use this on my eyes. That is the most “wrinkle prone” area so I always make sure to apply the oil and let it sink into my skin!


Check out my demonstration of the products mentioned above!


Hope you all enjoyed!






I have grown up in a very diverse city, full of many skin tones and backgrounds. I have never been in a situation where I’ve felt like my life was in danger or that I needed to video tape every encounter with a cop. However, nowadays this seems to be the norm. It’s like all the sudden all these cops have gathered a nice pair of balls and decide they’re going to go around shooting every minority they see. Does having a plastic badge give you the right to treat anyone how ever you want?  Does this mean that your life is worth more than mine? It’s messed up that we see COUNTLESS videos of our brothers and sisters dying at the hands of police. But the way I see it, the violence isn’t new, the cameras are. Now we can finally SEE with our own eyes what’s been going on for decades and decades, we can see the treatment given to our people. We can see the type of people who are hired to “protect and serve” us. For centuries, black people and minorities have been treated like animals because of the color of their skin. From being enslaved by white owners, to being slaves to the judicial system. It’s hard to be black or a minority, you have so many more odds against you.


No one is born a racist, racism is TAUGHT. Racism is fueled by influences and by seeing people around you doing the same. In my opinion, I believe that if your parents are racist, you have a 70% chance of being one as well because thats all you know. We need to break the cycle and teach all the new upcoming generations to love each other. We are not the 50s and 60s babies, we’re not scared to fight for what we believe and that is why I have faith that one day this will all be over. Not just in the U.S.,  but everywhere in the world there this stigma that fair skin is better than dark skin. WHAT? How can the PIGMENTATION of my skin give you any indication of who I am as a person?

police_shootings_protests_florida_c0-115-2800-1747_s885x516.jpegNow, I know there are TONS of amazing great cops out there, but im focusing on the ones that aren’t. I’m speaking on the ones that feel sooooo weak to the point where you have to take out a gun and shoot someones brains out to feel safe. I don’t care how threatened you feel, shooting someone should be the LAST RESORT. What happened to tazers? What happened to batons? There are so many UNEXPLAINED cases of people losing their lives and usually none of those cops get persecuted. None of these parents and families get justice, they have to live with the idea of knowing their loved one was taken because some weak ass cop didn’t take his wheaties and decided to just shoot. If you’re not physically and mentally fit, please don’t become a cop. We need well rounded, diverse, intelligent and fit men and women to ACTUALLY serve and protect us. We need people who can empower our communites and make us feel safe. We need to fill our timelines with positivity, we need to share videos that will educate our people instead of the viral twerking videos of the week.

black-lives-matter.jpgLastly, white people: STOP CHANGING BLACK LIVES MATTER TO ALL LIVES MATTER. We know all lives matter, but right now we need to stand up for the people who are treated with injustice. Some white people seem to be so offended because of this, are you kidding?  This isnt a trend, this isnt “the cool thing” to write on your social media. It’s REAL life, you all should be relived and happy that your people arent getting killed to the point where it becomes an actual movement. There would be no BLM if they weren’t getting killed. Once the killing stops, so does the movement. Do your part. The black community is suffering so bad, support them! Its like coming out and saying, “Oh I’m sorry this is happening to you and all your friends are being killed because they’re black, but my life matters too.” BE QUIET! Shut up and use your white priviledge to make a difference!

We need to teach our children to love everyone, no matter their skin tone or background. That’s the beauty of this world. Different skin tones, different hair textures, different languages, its all beautiful! Let’s make this world a better place, it starts with you.



LIFE: Get your life together and stop procrastinating!


All my life I’ve been pretty driven but I was never really consistent with anything I did. I would come up with wonderful ideas, and always think “I’ll get to it one day.” I’ve realized that, that “one day” never really comes. It’s always in the back of your mind but that doesn’t count. Thinking about it, and sitting around won’t make it a reality! I have always wanted to write and use my personality as a way to create my OWN type of art. Life is very short and precious and one of my goals is to die having done every single thing I have always wanted to. Listening to people’s opinions often tends to sway us in different directions of what we really want to do, so stop listening to everyone. Stop feeling like you have to impress anyone or make your life seem perfect. The people who really love you will love you and your messy life!

Have your mind set as YOU want, live your life as YOU want. Obviously, I’m not saying go out and do some crazy “yolo’ stuff, that’s only going to add more problems. But, if there’s anything that you have always wanted to try but never had the courage to, just do it! You need to have good material and experiences to pass down to your kids, and leave a wonderful moral legacy. If there’s something that you have always wanted to do an failed, don’t sit and cry about it, go on to your next goal! Life is flying before our eyes! It’s already about to be 2017, have you done everything you wanted to do this year? Make these last 3 and a half months the best ones you’ve had all year!

Your future self will thank you for all the wonderful trials and triumphs.


BEAUTY: FALL fashion trends as seen on NYFW 2016!


Fall is finally around the corner guys! I’m so excited, its my all time favorite season. The weather is perfect, not too hot, not too cold. But, the best part is the fall fashion trends! I love the earthy colors, cute boots, and trendy sweaters. New York Fashion Week just passed a few days ago, and I took some inspiration from it. Here’s what I came up with:




TAN TAN TAN: The color tan was a big hit on the runway. From dresses to jackets, wear it!

TURTLE NECK DRESSES: Turtle necks are making a comeback, especially in dresses.

OFF THE SHOULDER DRESSES: This is the cutest trend, it gives you a gentle look and shows off your shoulders.

DUSTY PINK: Another color that’s going to be in this fall is dusty pink! It’s a light shade of pink that can be seen as bright in some lights and dull in others.

CHOKERS: Thick chokers will be a total hit this fall. Any color or material will do.

PATENT BOOTIES: These boots are making a big appearance on the runway this year. Many celebs are also rocking them!

Will you be rocking any of these trends this season!?